> Headache | Health And Fitness Tips


What is good for severe headaches?

What is good for severe headaches?
One of the most common health complaints in the community is a headache. Headache in 48.9% of the general population affects people of all ages, races and socioeconomic levels. It is more common in women than in men. Some headaches can make people exhausted and hurt their quality of life.

Studies have shown that 1 out of 10 people who come to family physicians come because of headaches. Also, one out of every 3 referrals to neurology is due to headache.

What are the types of headaches?
The International Headache Association classifies headaches into 14 main groups and hundreds of subgroups. If headaches are not caused by another underlying health problem and occur directly with a headache, this is called primary headache. The most common types are migraine, tension-type and cluster headaches. Secondary headaches are the headaches that occur during diseases such as cerebrovascular diseases, nervous system diseases, brain tumors, eye diseases, sinusitis, meningitis due to a certain disease, which is seen at a rate of 10 percent.

What are the headache zones?
The most common types of headache, together with the headache regions, can be listed as follows.

Tension Headache: In general, it causes pain in the form of squeezing around the head. Stress, tension, and fatigue are caused.
Migraine: Usually the pain is on one side of the head. The pain is throbbing, moderate or severe. Nausea and vomiting may occur. Headaches come in attacks, ie attacks, and last for 4-72 hours. Pain increases with head movements and physical activity. A person with migraine is disturbed by light and sound.
Cluster Headache: It usually manifests itself as a severe pain behind the eye. Pain usually comes in attacks that last for days, so it tends to cluster at certain times. Along with the eyes may be flushing and experiencing.
Blood Pressure-Related Headache: In general, the neck is mainly pain. It is associated with increased blood pressure.
Trigeminal neuralgia: A sharp facial pain and contraction of the facial muscles.
Although the majority of headaches can be treated by family physicians in primary care centers, it is vital to correctly diagnose the underlying health problem in secondary headaches.

What are the causes of headaches?
The answer to the question dir What are the causes of headache? Tedir depends on the type of headache. For example; In primary type headaches, in genetically predisposed individuals, environmental factors create activation in the brain. This activation enlarges the brain vessels and releases chemicals. These stimulate the nerves and cause pain.

Under secondary headaches, there can be many different causes. For example infections (sinus, ear, brain membrane inflammations), blood vessel damage (aneurysm, malformations, vascular blockages), tumors, hypertension are just a few of these reasons. Therefore, it is vital to determine the cause of secondary headaches.

Headache may also be seen during menstruation in women. Stress is also an important triggering factor.

Causes constant headaches?
A secondary cause of persistent pain should be investigated. In patients with previous periodic pain, if the pain persists, it may be possible that the patient may have used a large number of pain medication, or that the underlying psychological causes are underlying.

What is good for severe headaches?
What are the types of headaches?
What are the headache zones?
What are the causes of headaches?
Causes constant headaches?
What is good for severe headaches?
How does a headache go?
When should a patient with a headache consult a doctor?
What is good for severe headaches?
If there is an underlying health problem (such as sinus infection, etc.) in the headache, the appropriate treatment is taken from the specialist physician. In the case of primary headaches, especially migraine, the neurologist starts the treatment by taking and examining your medical history.

How does a headache go?
There are many drugs to try in the treatment of headaches. The goal of migraine treatment is to reduce the triggering factors, to suppress the sensitivity of the nervous system and the events occurring in the vascular and surrounding vessels during pain. The basic treatment is divided into preventive and attack treatment. Here, the frequency of the patient's pain is effective in the treatment decision. For example; If the patient's pain occurs twice a month, treatment is recommended only during the attack.

Simple painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ergotamine drugs, and triptans are used to treat pain. Although painkillers are usually innocent, they can be irreversible damage to the kidney and other organs when used continuously.

Haseeb Sheikh

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