BackPain Problems And There Solutions
8 in 10 people will experience pain in the waist at some point in their lives.
This article refers to non-specific lumbar spine pain, which accounts for 90-95% of cases of lumbar spine (waist) pain.Is there a "good" and "bad" attitude to avoid pain in our midst?
Although the "bad" attitude often blames many for being a major cause of back pain, research has not proven to be a cause of back pain. There is no "ideal" attitude for our middle class.
Posture is only one position (static or dynamic) and it is for a specific period. What is really an aggravating factor for our waist is our body's prolonged (in time) position at the same posture. Frequent rotations, better ergonomics (especially at work) and breaks for traffic are the solutions. After all, it is known that movement is medicine!
Does resting and staying in bed help reduce the pain symptoms of our waist?
According to the latest clinical guidelines for back pain (waist), staying in bed as much as possible even in acute pain situations is supported. Instead, it is suggested that anyone experiencing pain in the waist keeps moving, following the activities of their daily routine, modifying them where they perceive that the symptoms of pain are exacerbated. Prolonged bed rest and restlessness have opposite effects, often increasing pain intensity and muscle stiffness, while movement positively enhances symptom relief.
Is it forbidden to bend over after we have had an episode of pain in our midst?
Lumbar pain specialists say that our waist is anatomically constructed in such a way that we bend and lift without bending or lifting. In recent years, even the way we lift weights and crouch down has been disheartened, stressing that we can do it in whatever style we desire. However, it is good to adhere to the general principles and techniques of weight lifting. If we want to lift a heavy object it is good to bring it close to our body (center of mass), between the legs and from there to lift it by bending the knees.
Is Age Associated With Pain In The Middle?
There is controversy to this day about whether age is a cause for back pain. As can be seen, there are no significant changes in the incidence of pain over time between age groups.
The remarkable thing to note is that the structural changes that occur in the spine and are inherent in old age are not associated with pain symptoms. While there are changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs as we grow older, they are considered perfectly normal "due to age" and do not mean that the individual will suffer because of them. On the other hand, when a person is young it is not at all odd to notice discomfort in his waist, on the contrary, it is quite common. The modern lifestyle often enhances the appearance of pain symptoms due to reduced physical activity.
Does Exercise Help With Back Pain?
The answer here is easy and complete. Yes, it helps! It is the number one means of coping with and preventing episodes of back pain.
What is the appropriate type of exercise for pain in the waist, as a solution or as a protection against it?
The answer to this question could be a whole article. Take a quick look at the search engines and we will find plenty of options and solutions. We range from classic "abdominal-back", intermediate and interesting core stability to specialized "cross-abdominal retraining". From swimming to walking and jogging.
The answer here is specific: It depends on the person. Any type of general or special exercise can only produce positive results, as long as it is structured on the needs of the person receiving it. Some people will try different kinds until they find what they feel is right for them. If you are in the process of recovering from an episode of back pain, the philosophy of healing follows the philosophy of exercising in any musculoskeletal injury or syndrome, that of gradually loading the tissues for adaptation.
If there are no symptoms, the person's "profile" will be the key characteristic of choosing the type of activity - an activity to choose. All fitness programs that carry a method brand are quite useful as most
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