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Healthy Lifestyle

                          Healthy Lifestyle

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Healthy Heart - Healthy Life

The heart is one of the most vulnerable organs of man. Heart and vascular diseases form a category of diseases called cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases occupy one of the leading places in the structure of disability and mortality in the adult population.

This is one of the main causes of disability. The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases must be constantly growing, and this depends not only on the level of development of medicine but also on a person’s lifestyle.

The mortality of the able-bodied population from cardiovascular diseases is determined by 7 main risk factors: stress, hypercholesterolemia, tobacco smoking, overweight and obesity, inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, alcohol abuse and low physical activity.

Simple rules for a healthy heart:

1. Eat the right and varied diet: include fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, whole grain bread, vegetable oil in the diet. Eat less fat and sweets. Watch your weight.
2. Move more, especially in the fresh air.
3. Monitor your blood pressure. With its stable increase or frequent drops, undergo an examination by a cardiologist.
4. Control your cholesterol - reduce your intake of animal fats, salt and sugar.
5. Do not smoke.

Haseeb Sheikh

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